Profile Dr. med. Anette Meidert
Education at school and university in Munich (LMU Munich), with working experience abroad in the United States (Stanford and Minneapolis), Israel
(Tel Aviv) and Switzerland (Lausanne)
Paediatric training mostly at the Children’s Hospital Dr. von Haunersches Kinderspital and Schwabing, both University Hospital
Paediatric Cardiology training at the Deutsches Herzzentrum Munich
Specialist for Paediatric and Adolecent Medicine and Paediatric Cordiology
consultant at the Kinderklinik Starnberg
Consultant for General Paediatrics, Neonatology and paediatric Cardiology
at the Kinderklinik Garmisch-Partenkirchen (installation of paediatric Cardiology services)
Extensive experience as a Neonatal and Paediatric emergency Medicine doctor
Additional subspecialties in Emergency Medicine and Neonatology
Further education in Homeopathy and business economics in the medical field
Formation in diving Medicine and participation in the German diving association with special and active
interest in diving for children
Further education in psychosomatic primary care
Paediatric Cardiology Consultation hours at the Cardiology in the Center, Munich
Medical attendance and supervision of the Newborn ward and delivery room at the Frauenklinik West, Munich
Formation in Travel Medicine
Paediatric Sports Medicine (outpatient clinic and teaching) at the Technical Universitiy Munich, Fakultät für Sport- und Gesundheitswissenschaften, Lehrstuhl für Präventive Pädiatrie